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What is an allergy?

Author: Marcello Pamio


More and more people are experiencing one or more allergies. For what reason? What is the cause?
As always, medicine is groping in the dark. It defines allergy as the body's ability to react abnormally to certain substances, called allergens, with which it has previously been sensitised. It theorises about the cause of the allergic reaction, but its aetiology is unknown.
The unanswered questions are many: why does one person react with mucus, another with a runny nose, another with asthma and yet another with a skin rash?
The extraordinary knowledge of New Medicine comes to our aid, allowing us to understand the biological meaning.


Interpretation of New Medicine

The entire allergic process (like every so-called 'disease') is a biological interaction between psyche, brain and corresponding organ.
Let us look in detail at the typical symptoms of colds and certain allergic reactions: nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing.
We know that the nasal mucosa is controlled by a brain relay in the frontal lobe of the cortex.
Thousands of brain scans have confirmed that it is precisely this particular area of the brain that is affected when we experience a conflict in territory/relationships called 'stinkiness'. As in: 'this thing stinks to me', 'this situation stinks to me'.

This specific conflict can be experienced in real terms through a sudden and violent smell, a shock, a trauma or also in a figurative sense.
When this 'conflict' occurs, the cerebral cortex gives the order to ulcerate the nasal mucosa, a process that is usually unnoticed, i.e. symptomless. The only things that are noticeable are the typical signs of the active conflict phase, such as chills, slight loss of appetite and a certain inner restlessness. As soon as the conflict is resolved, often by leaving the environment or leaving the situation that 'stank', the ulceration of the nasal mucosa is restored. The restoration of the tissue loss always causes nasal congestion and often headaches, due to the cerebral oedema in the affected area, which also tries to heal itself.

Sneezing and a runny nose are therefore signals that the organism is finally able to get rid of the residue of the repair process and, figuratively speaking, of what caused the 'stench'.
Put simply: the allergic phenomenon is the (vagotonic) repair phase of a biological conflict! Depending on the tissues involved, the conflict value varies.

Example allergic rhinitis

An allergic rhinitis is the repair phase of a conflict of separation (unwanted contact) from a substance that emits a particular odour. During the active phase, which lasts a few moments, there is, as mentioned, ulceration of the mucous membrane. When the conflict is resolved, the vagotonic phase starts the repair process with mucous swelling, secretion, stuffy nose and sneezing (epileptoid crisis).
A widespread characterisation of allergic crisis is its recurrence, which indicates one precise thing: we keep reliving the event or situation that triggered it...


The brain records everything we are experiencing

In order to understand what has just been said, it is important to know that when we experience a conflict or an unexpected shock, the mind (and our subconscious) is in a highly receptive situation and basically collects and records all the components surrounding the conflict or experience: smells, tastes, sounds, objects or people and stores them until the conflict is completely resolved.
We call this 'programming' and in New Medicine such 'imprints' or recordings that remain following a shock are binaries. In fact, a memory of the experience remains!

If a person is already in the healing phase and suddenly finds himself in a binary through association or actual contact with a substance/situation, a reboot of the entire conflict and special programme takes place, with all the symptoms belonging to that particular conflict. In biological terms, it is a true allergic reaction. So what is commonly called an allergy is in fact the healing phase after the conflict relapses!

The biological purpose of the allergy is similar to an alarm system that warns: "in such a situation, you have had a shock. Beware!"
In practice, any trigger (pollen, hair, mites, dust, grasses, etc.) recalls or reactivates the programmer with its corresponding experience. The following example will clarify.
A person suffers a biological shock while on a picnic in the countryside. During a game of chase, one of the children falls into a deep hole in the ground and suffers a physical injury.

At that moment, the mother suffers an intense shock and her nose sniffs (here is the stink conflict) the smell of the grass and her eyes see flowers scattered around the hole in the ground into which her child has fallen. The shock is a moment of intense awareness and the subconscious photographs and records everything, every sensation, including the smell of the grass and the colour of the flowers.
Those images and smells remain imprinted and are associated with the shock suffered. From that moment on, the perception of the smell of the grass and the sight of that particular type of flower will be able to bring his organism back to relive the same shock experienced at the time, even though the conditions were not the same. The symptoms will be proportional to the intensity of the primary shock.

Thus the woman may experience intense rhinitis with a lot of sneezing and copious secretion, but she may also experience a large laryngeal oedema and risk asphyxiation. He could experience anaphylactic shock and even risk his life.
In other words, the smell of the grass and/or the presence of that flower become alarm bells so that the woman is called upon to protect herself, to move away from that place so as not to suffer the same shock. The pollen of the flowers, the odorous molecules of the grass are not the toxic causes of the allergic reaction, but merely the activators of sensors that induce the person to flee in the face of probable danger.
Smell and image are salvation hooks, to which the body clings in order not to suffer painful things already experienced.


Food allergies

If someone is allergic to a certain food (peanuts, eggs, strawberries, chocolate, etc.) the food was consumed at the precise moment of the conflict shock.
Now we must be clear because when we exclude the irritant substance from the diet, it is NOT the avoidance of that substance that cures the allergy, it is merely the avoidance of the tracks!
If a person reacts to a certain pollen with a runny nose, it can be concluded that the pollen in question was present when the conflict took place.
Until the conflict is completely resolved, the specific pollen will serve as a track and the 'seasonal allergy' will repeat itself year after year.
Trails must always be considered when dealing with 'chronic' ailments such as arthritis, angina pectoris, asthma, haemorrhoids, or recurring infections.

According to the New Biology, when we speak of 'chronic' we mean a relapse, i.e. we have relapsed into the same situation as the triggering conflict.
In order to break this continuous cycle of relapse, and to be able to complete the healing phase once and for all, we must necessarily identify the track that was attached to the original conflict. Clues to the cause of the allergy are usually hidden in the 'context' of the allergic reaction (season, weather, climate, location) and specific symptoms must be carefully examined (rhinitis, skin rash, headache, eye irritation, etc.).

For example, if a person only suffers from migraine at weekends, it is very likely that the source of their problem is in the workplace.
By integrating the biological sense of symptoms into our daily lives, we learn, perhaps gratefully, the magic language with which Mother Nature speaks to us.



Allergy therapy, as you can imagine, is not simple and can be both symptomatic and causal. The former makes use of natural and/or chemical remedies that alleviate the sympathicotonic phase. Causal therapy, on the other hand, involves reconstructing the initial conflict, tracing back to the shock that triggered it all and carefully analysing the contents.

The person would then have to do something real to permanently resolve this ongoing attachment to substances or perceptions that are not themselves the cause of the conflict, but merely subconscious inclusions. It is possible that resolving the programming conflict will completely resolve the allergic phenomenon, even in a short time.
On the other hand, as natural medicine teaches, deep organic detoxification through lifestyle also helps to alleviate symptoms and often to resolve them for good.

Thanks to a diet rich in raw vegetables, an organic purification of the liver and intestines, and through techniques that work in a centrifugal mode (taking out such things as hydrotherapy, enemas, poultices, cold rubs, dry brushing of the skin, etc.) we rid the body of waste and toxins, and the benefits are immediate.





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