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Meaning of the word "Pyramid"

Piramid of  Giza

Author: Daniel Evangelista


This is a Greek name, cause in Egyptian the pyramids were called "MR" vocalized in "mer", in which "M" indicates "place" and "R" the act of ascending with the full sense, therefore, of the place where one ascends, that is, the ascension takes place. (Editor's note: due to the lack of findings of funeral remains and mummies inside the pyramids, I think that the original means of the pyramids has been forcibly changed, especially because, given their imposing importance, we find this name, apparently in a single papyrus, now kept in the British Museum, that of the mathematician Rhind).


The Greek name "pyramid" seems to consist of two words: Pyrà and Mides. From the Greek "πυρά" or "pyrà" is a noun which means fire, fire and then "μίδες" which in Italian means "cozza", in Latin "hippopotamus". If we make temporary "mides", it could resemble "mid", which in English means "centre, interior". The meaning of "Fire inside" would make sense, but with the few data at my disposal it is a forcing and that is all.


Another forcing on the second part of the word, could be "μηδεν " phonetically "miden" and that is "zero", where in time "pyramiden" could be shortened to pyramid. So could it mean "zero fire" or "basic fire" or the "first fire" if then fire had as a similarity of meaning the present word "energy"?


πυρά μηδ - pyrá mid - Fire zero


On Wikipedia in Italian there is this explanation: "The term pyramid comes from the Greek language pyramis (πυραμίς) which literally means "of the form of fire" (from pyr-, "fire"). Some historians believe that the Greek word in turn comes from the Egyptian word per-em-us which in Rhind's Papyrus is used to represent the height of the pyramid (to the letter "that which goes up"); the Greeks, applying the rhetorical figure of the synecdoche (the part for the whole and vice versa), would then use it to indicate the entire monumental work. The pyramid was used as a typology in architecture especially in ancient times, especially in Egypt and by some pre-Columbian civilizations in Central America. (NdA: false, because they exist all over the world, in China alone there are about 300 pyramids)".




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